



Carus Thompson

Artikelnummer: VALVE # 1087 Kategorie: Schlagwort:


The long awaited „real“ album from the independent acoustic band contains some of Carus´best work yet, recorded in a style that accurately replicates the passion of the band´s live performances. This album is testimony to the recent enhancement of Carus´ songwriting skills, refined through the effect of rigorous touring and frequent writing. On top of all this, Carus has become expert at belting out songs full of heart-wrenching passion. The album instumentation is diverse but not overdone, and the tight mix is spot on. Three Boxes should serve to satisfy and impress even his most critical of fans.

Audio-CD im Digipack, VALVE Records Pützfeld 10, 42655 Solinger – Germany
Nachfragen und weitere Informationen zu der Produktion: info@valve-records.com