15,00 €
Dave Johnson
8 Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung in Australien, erscheint „Leavin Time“ nun überarbeitet mit komplett neuer Artwork und 4 bisher unveröffentlichten Bonus-Tracks auch in Europa.
Dem Solinger Label Valve Records, welches u.a. schon die tollen “Live im Studio” Aufnahmen von Carus Thompson, Mick Thomas & Michael Barclay sowie Jaimi Faulkner präsentierte, gelingt mit dieser Perle australischer Singer-/Songwriterkunst ein herausragendes, bis dato leider schon fast vergessenes, Album.
Dave Johnson, geboren in Geelong und inzwischen in Fremantle an der Westküste Australiens lebend, tourte viele Jahre mit seiner Band “The Flings” über den roten Kontinent.
Inspiriert vom Touren und Reisen sowie der Geschichte seines Heimatlandes konzentrierte sich Dave erst relativ spät auf (s)eine Solokarriere. Die auf „Leavin Time“ veröffentlichten Songs schrieb er in einer Zeit grosser persönlicher Veränderungen. Seine kraftvolle Stimme sowie das prägende Gitarren- und Mandolinenspiel in Kombination mit hervorragenden Begleitmusikern, machen das Album zu einem harmonischen und immer abwechslungsreichen Longplayer ohne Schwächen und Längen.
Durch den Verlust seiner Stimme ist es leider bis heute sein einziges Solo-Album geblieben. Die 4 remasterten Bonus-Tracks stammen aus den Archiven. „Force Of Habit“ schrieb Dave für den Soundtrack der Verfilmung von Tim Wintons „Dirt Music“ und „Make It Burn“ war der heimliche Hit auf seiner Europa-Tournee 2005 zusammen mit seinem Landsmann Carus Thompson.
„Leavin Time is an album that showcases an artist at the peak of his powers, a poetic lyricist and brilliant songwriter, possessing one of the most beautiful voices you´ll ever come across”
(Carus Thompson)
Eight years after “Leavin Time” saw the light of day in Australia, German label Valve-Records is very happy to announce the release of “Leavin Time” in Europe. The European Edition includes four previously unreleased bonus tracks and a complete new artwork.
Unfortunately Dave lost his voice over the years. The four bonus tracks on the European edition were taken from the archives and mastered by Tube Temple Studios in Solingen/Germany. “Force Of Habit” was written for the soundtrack of Tim Wintons “Dirt Music” and “Make It Burn” was the hidden hit on his European tour 2005 with australien mate and long time travel companion Carus Thompson.
Dave Johnson was originally from Geelong in Victoria but having travelled this vast country found his roots and niche in the Port City of Fremantle Western Australia.
A Western Australian based singer/songwriter of some fifteen years plus experience as a solo performer and as part of several ‚Critically Acclaimed‘ folk/rock outfits. Dave started performing his music solo in 2002/2003.
Having travelled throughout Western Australia with his music Dave has found much inspiration for his songs. Dave Johnsons songs are a reflection of the people and the times he has discovered in Western Australia. Dave also delves into the history surrounding the State. Leavin Time is a compilation of 12 tracks written over several years, many which were inspired by Daves travels and/or tribulations. The CD presents the listener with a wide variety of themes whilst „retaining a common aural experience Throughout.“
Dave Johnson is one of the finest Singer/Songwriters in Australia. His powerful voice, this punchy guitar and tireless mandolin picking and the melodies are always instantly appealing to listeners of any age.
„Leavin Time is an album that showcases an artist at the peak of his powers, a poetic lyricist and brilliant songwriter, possessing one of the most beautiful voices you´ll ever come across”
(Carus Thompson)